Product By Ganz(35 customers reviews)
Product DescriptionIf you simply adore fabulous frogs, this lovely amphibian is sure to hop away with your heart. Play with their friends, cook secret recipes and, of course, spend lots of time hanging out with you. Youre sure to adore, adopt a Love Frog. Its special item is itll love pond and its special food is candied rose petals
Technical Details
- The virtual version of the plush animal comes alive online in Webkinz world when activated with the special given code
- When you register your pet you can care for it as if it were a real pet
- It is all about style, fashion and having a ton of friends
- It is unique as there is something different that appeals to everyone
- Webkinz World is updated every two weeks so be sure to visit frequently to see what is new and exciting for you to explore
Customer Reviews
By Valerie E. Townsend (cape Cod Ma)
I found what my Grandson had asked Santa for, a Husky Webkinz on Amozon...we could not find one anywhere in the stores...he was thrilled Christmas morning when he saw Santa had brought him what he had asked for. HOWEVER IT WAS WAY TO OVER PRICED, WHICH I FEEL IS SO WRONG, AND IT TAKES ADVANTAGE OF PEOPLE, ESPECIALY WHEN IT IS A HARD TO FIND ITEM, AND FOR A CHILD.
By Jennifer Whitney (ky)
When I first opened the package I was surprised at the size. I was expecting a little bigger, but it is the normal size for this furry friend. Very soft and super cute. I bought as a gift and the little girl loved it! I thought about buying another for me! This dog is so cute!!!
By L. Lim (CA United States)
My 2 kids like playing with their Webkinz, but I just learned something today that I like to share with other parents - treat your pet's secret codes like gold. Why? because you need it for everything to do with your account - e.g. forgot password, reset account, send comments and feedback, etc.
I find Webkinz in this regard very backward in today's web2.0 world, and very profit-minded. First of all, the secret code is this little piece of paper that can be easily lost. Secondly, how hard would it be for Webkinz to simply record and safe keep the secret code in the account created? One suggestion to Webkinz if it doesn't want to record and safe keep the secret code during account creation/pet adoption is to require a parent's email and send the code and account information to the parent's email. That way at least the parent can save a copy of this account information including the secret code.
I learned this the hard way this morning when my son told me he forgot his password to Webkinz. When I got to the Webkinz, it requires me to know the secret code before they can reset his password. Then I tried to send customer service a comment/feedback via their comments & suggestions link, and only to learn that in order to send comment or feedback, I needed to login to webkinz first, which I was having trouble in the first place doing so. This is the only reason I rated 'durability' for this toy as one star.
Unless I am missing something here, I do not see the need for Webkinz to continue requiring the secret code beyond signup/adoption time. And if there is truly a valid reason for Webkinz to require that, it could keep it with the account or send full account email to parents during signup/adoption. Don't get me wrong, I do see the reason for the secret code BEFORE signup/adoption, but just not AFTER.
By A. Ring (Chicago)
My son loves this thing. He spends at least 5 hours a week caring for his WebKinz on the computer, which I was not fond of until I noticed there is a lot of educational content in the play.
By C. Payson (Peoria, AZ)
My daughter wanted this item for Christmas ever since she first saw the husky while she was online. She absolutely loves it and Santa couldn't have done better!! She plays with it everyday and loves all the Webkinz that she has. Great to be able to get them at a better price, too!!